Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Kaszazz Conference 2009

Hi Everyone!

Sorry for the lack of projects so far this week...after Conference I'm a bit of a wreck - and my house is worse!

Firstly, Tina has won last weeks projects...if you email me your address, Tina, I'll send those out to you. Congratulations.

Now, Conference was a fantastic experience! I now have faces to match quite a few of the names from the Kaszazz Star & the Yahoo Group. I think there were still people I didn't meet, but 161 consultants, plus the people from the office were a bit overwhelming for someone who, prior to arriving at the airport on Friday knew a whole 3 of the other consultants. I met another 3 at the airport...and once we arrived in Melbourne, it was just constant! We had a great day of retail therapy on Friday, winding up with a horse & cart ride around the city centre - fantastic experience, and I recommend it to anyone who goes to Melbourne!

Saturday, we were into it! 8am start, introduced to the new products by Karen Stock & into the first workshop - the Bella Mini Friendship Album - it's just gorgeous! After lunch, we heard all about how much Kaszazz has grown in the past 12 months and then we had to go beautify ourselves for the big Hollywood style dinner!! During dinner, all the consultants who had achievements in 2008 were called up on stage & presented with a small gift (of product!). This was very scary as I was called up twice - in front of all those people!!! Once for becoming Team Leader and again for being in the Top 50 sales for the year! I think we finally crawled into bed at about 2am!!!

Sunday we got to sleep in - we didn't start until 9.30 for morning tea. First up was another new workshop - Whimsical Love Page & pocket pieces. I really love the idea of using the 6x4 pockets as part of a layout. (and have you looked at Sonia Gibson's A2Z of Scrapbooking? There's a great idea for those who feel a bit challenged in the scrapbooking department!) After lunch we had a guest speaker - Anne Howie, the Party Plan Expert. She was just amazing! She knows what she's talking about and she puts it in a way that anyone can easily understand - and, when you get down to bones of the matter, it's very simple! She was very inspirational!

Anyway, that's the short rundown on my weekend...I will attempt to get my life back to normal tomorrow - after (hopefully!) a good nights sleep.

Don't forget to check out the other girls - there are some fantasic projects there.


  1. Thanks Jo, how exciting, looking forward to receiving your works of art in the post. What a nice suprise. Cheers

  2. Hi Jo...i tried to email you to find out more about Kaszazz but the email link isn't working for me, must be my computer!

  3. Hi Ceci, jsbrosnan@bigpond.com - sorry about the dead link, must need more work! I'm still ironing out some of the kinks in this blog. I'd love to hear from you!
