Hi Everyone,
I hope you all had a fantastic Easter!
We have been so busy here! The kids are on holidays and expecting attention, the long over-due cleaning has been done, the kids clothes are sorted out and now I'm getting ready for the Kaszazz May Team Training Day! I'm hosting one at my place this time. I did host the January TTD, but at a friends house. I'm going to try it at home and see how it goes. Shawn & the kids have been given their eviction notice for the day, and now I just have to hope that I don't get overrun with people wanting to attend!
In the meantime, I missed sketch week! I was rather disappointed - I love sketches, and Ant has some lovely ones. These projects in the picture have been based on 2 of the sketches...I'm doing a make and take tomorrow and the hostess wants to learn to use the silent setter and loves black and white, so I've used the sketches to come up with these. I'll use the card as an example of what you can do with eyelets, and the tag will be the make and take project, so that everyone can try out the silent setter. I was quite pleased with them, and hope you like them, too. Thanks Ant, for the inspiration!
Jo these are lovely. I really like them and what a great idea as a Make and Take - clever girl!
Like them alot Jo, don't ya just love these school holidays x